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Friday, May 8, 2020


Published by Just-Web Research Institute [4th September, 2019]


Deedenwii, Bariture Neele
ND, and D.Cl

+2347012543482 and +2349050517580

This study tends to investigate the effect of information communication technology on the productivity of office managers. In most organizations today, technology has changed the old working habit thereby resulting in complete job design and acquisition of new skills. In view of the above statement, information and communication technology has contributed to managerial efficiency in the work place. Information technology is the combination of computing, telecommunication and video techniques for the purpose of acquiring, processing, storing, and disseminating vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunication which include the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communicating media for gathering, recording and communicating information. Based on the findings, it was discovered that ICT has great impact on the productivity of office manager in an organization, and ICT has help to make productivity accurate, faster, and also to reduce the work load on the organization. It was recommended amongst others that information; communication technology should be embraced in organizations to the productivity of office managers.



Information and Communication Technology (ICT) refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunication which include the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communicating media for gathering, recording and communicating information (Osuala, 2014).
Information technology includes all types of equipment and programs which are used in the processing of information. This equipment include: computers, fax machines, calculators, electronic mail, telephones, printers word processors, photocopiers, radio, message; digital cameras.
Also, today’s improvement in communication has continued to increase with portable telephones, fax machines, telephone systems becoming digitized and more versatile.  Information technology is used in the office today more than ever before. In the recent environment, people may forget just how unbelievable the notion of a personal computer in the home would have seemed to the pioneers of computing in the 1940’s, when a single system with less power than today’s personal computers could be an entire building.
Furthermore, the ICT industry appears to be making significant thrust into the Nigeria society. Prior to 1999, ICT resources and facilities were grossly limited in the country. It was also noted that only very few wealthy Nigerians had access to internet facilities and services. Internet facilities and services were rare to come by and the facsimiles (i.e. Fax) remained for a long time, the only means available to Nigerians for transmitting and receiving data or documents to other parts of the world. Public awareness of ICT and its application was low.
On the other hand, a manager is a person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work and taking corrective action when necessary (Montgomerie, 2006).
The office managers need to be computer literate to know how to use office machines, internet facilities such as email, telex, teleconference, World Wide Web (W.W.W). This is necessary because new technologies have improved the managerial functions and roles as the network in which the other workers linked together.
In most organizations today, technology has changed the old working habit thereby resulting in complete job design and acquisition of new skills. In view of the above statement, information and communication technology has contributed to managerial efficiency in the work place.
Office and communication technology helps businesses in several ways, organizations use the information system to analyze and solve technical problems especially for controlling activities buying quality control, reducing production cost and keeping records on employees and turnover (Braunstein, 2010).
ICT enhances learning; mobilize tools for examination, calculation and analysis of information, thus providing the platform for student inquiry; analysis and construction of new information. Learners therefore learn as they do most of these things. ICT enables students to choose what to learn and when they need to learn it.
Collaborative Learning: ICT supported learning encourages interaction and co-operation among student apart from modeling real world interactions, it also provides students the opportunities to work with people from different countries, thereby helping to enhance learner’s communication skills as well as creating global awareness.


Information technology is the combination of computing, telecommunication and video techniques for the purpose of acquiring, processing, storing, and disseminating vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information. Uzoka (2002) defined information technology as the harnessing of electronic technology in its various forms to improve the operations and profitability of the business as a whole.
Brightman and Dimsdale (1986) traced the root of the high-tech revolution back to 1828 when Charles Babbage produced the first programmable calculating device, the Analytical Engine. We might look to the more recent past, 1944, and mention Howard Aiken's Mark I, the first programmable computer.

Information technology according to Oliver, Chapman and French (1990) is a technology which supports activities involving the creation, storage, manipulation and communication of information (principally computing, electronics and electronic communications) together with their related methods, management and applications. It has also created countless opportunities and challenges for millions of individuals. In particular, the challenges of managers’ responsible for introducing this technology have been exceptionally high. In our information and knowledge -based society, management must attempt to capture the advantages offered by information technology, yet they must also avoid the pitfalls along the way toward increasing automation.
Information technology (IT) is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and or disseminate information. It merges computing high speech communication inks carrying data, sound, and video. Examples of information technology include personal computer appliances and various hand held devices. Two important parts to information technology computer and communication technology; Computer and communication technology (Silver, 2011).
1.    Communication Technology: Also called telecommunication technology consists of electromagnetic devices and system for communication over long distance. As an example of communication devices, let’s consider those facilities that seem to be everywhere these days.
2.    Computer Technology: A computer is programmable, machine that accept data raw facts and figures and produces, it into information we can use, such as summaries totals or reports. Its purpose is to speed up problem solving and increase productively.


According to Akpomi (2013), the following are basic ICT resources that improve the productivity of managers:
1.    Computer: Computer are no longer just mathematical tools but essential management resources, as we all may know, different operations can be handled more efficiently using computers. With the computer, such activities as information generation, processing, analyzing storage and communication for sustainable development could be executed easily. Akpomi (2013), stated that the greatest assets of the computer are speed, cost-effectiveness and optimal utilization of available resources, some other computer accessories worthy of mentioning are CD ROM diskettes, flash drive, etc.
2.    The Internet: This has proven to be the most valuable vehicle for accelerated information flow. According to Green, Jenkins and Davies (2010), it is a network of computers that communicate with each other, often over telephone lines. The potentials of the internet lie in the provision of global platform for information sharing among organizations and individuals. Information sharing creates awareness, ensures continuous use of products and services, provides feedback and support for organization. The contention here is that any organization or government that has current and useful information is empowered to enhance productivity and good governance.


Jaiyeola (2017), inferred that mechanization in the office refers to a process whereby office machines and equipment are introduced in the office with a view to aid administrative process.
Technology has greatly affected secretarial profession not only in Nigeria but the world-over. Looking at the contribution of technology to the profession in the present time, one begins to imagine what would have become of the profession if technology had not come to its rescue. Technology has completely enveloped secretarial profession such that it is now safe for one to say that without technology there would be no secretarial profession. Some of the ways technology has affected secretarial profession according to Nyone (2013), include:
1.    The use of modern word processing machines starting from electronic typewriter through memory writer to computer, have brought great relief to the secretary. Enhanced secretarial functions pleasurable and attractive.
2.    The speed and accuracy with which documents are produced are unraveled in the history of human skills.
3.    Technology has eliminated wastage of secretary’s time by saving him of the time he spends on routine job such as creation of files, storage and retrieved of such files, which are now done by the computer.
4.    Technology has enriched secretarial job and this enrichment has resulted in job satisfaction for secretaries. A manager now feels happy and satisfied when he poses behind a computer, which is also found on the tables on top executives and important officials in important offices. In fact, the computer has become a status symbol and has made managers activities easier to perform.
5.    Technology has brought secretaries to focus and make them important members of the organizations as they are now sent on training and retraining on the use of new office equipment.
6.    Technology has broadened the scope of secretarial profession. It has severed the secretary from the derogatory appendage status to an independent member of the organization, information manager and a custodian of organizational information reservoir.
7.    Technology has brought the whole world to the secretary’s table, he takes organization to the world and bring the world to the organization. For this reason, every member of the organization including the managers regards it.
8.    Technology is gradually revising the general misconception and poor perception of secretaries in Nigeria society. Instead of their downgrading, they are now being respected. Instead of their being looked down on as in the previous cases they are now being looked up to.
9.    Technology has increased the secretary’s productivity. A secretary, while attending to a visitor may as well set a computer on motion to be printing out copies of needed documents while at the same time answering a telephone call.
10.   Technology has increased the secretary’s job opportunities and expand his areas of specialization. In addition to the conventional duties of a secretary, a secretary can now be engaged as an information manger, computer operator or chief executive.

New technology has been introduced into the office manager, however, the following are how information communication technology affects the job performance of office managers, they are;
1.    Difficulty in Operation: Some of this new technology equipment requires some skill or knowledge before one can be able to operate it. So it serves as a challenge to an office worker who has no skill or knowledge about the new equipment (Goldberg and Nwazor, 2010).
2.    Over Work Load: later the introduction of new technology into the office there will be over work load in the office e.g with the electronic mail there will be so many mails in the office inbox which sometimes the office manager will not be able to go through all because it is numerous. Some new technology equipment also causes noise in course of operations.
The purpose of this research was to analyze effects of information communication technology on the productivity of office managers. This section has shown, us the view of the office manager interviewed during the research. It is apparent to say that its effect is rather positive than otherwise. These findings also show that ICT has great impact on the productivity of office manager in an organization, and ICT has help to make productivity accurate, faster, and also to reduce the work load on the organization. Also ICT creates efficiency in organizations among states or countries. ICT according to findings can also lead to easy flow of work in an organization.
In other words, it is to investigate whether information and communication technology affect the productivity of office managers at work either increasing or decreasing. Information and communication equipment is very much needed in an organization, it will enable the organization (especially the office manager) to have high productivity when they are operated and handled effectively.


Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, the following recommendations are made:
1.    Information, communication technology should be embraced in organizations to the productivity of office managers.
2.    Institutions should provide information and communication technology e.g. computer, projector, internet facilities etc.
3.    Office workers when on the organizational process should be given some in-service training both theoretically and practical for the effectiveness of their functions.
4.    ICT equipments such as computer should be emphasizes in the learning process in the institution.
5.    Since we are in the computer age, organizations should strive to provide the necessary ICT equipment’s needed in the modern office to ease the duties of office workers in this technological age.


Akpomi, M. and Ordu, P. (2013). Modern office technology and the secretary’s productivity in private business organizations. African Journal of Business Management . Vol. 3 (8), pp. 333-339.
Braunstein, M. L. (2010), “ Using Information Technology as a Strategic Tool for   the Prospective Payment System”. Home health care management and    practice. 12(6), 30-37.
Goldberg, S.I. and Nwazor, J.C. (2010). “Instructional Strategies in Business Education”. Awka: Ikenga Publishers.
Jaiyeola, R. (2017). Information Communication Technology (ICT) as a tool for effective performance of Chartered Accountants”, The Nigerian Accountant, 40 (1), 48 -49.
Montgomerie, F. K. (2006). “The Secretarial Studies and Office Information Technology”. Kaduna: Euneeks and Associates.
Nonye, A. (2013). Capacity Building in Modern Office Technology: An Imperative for Effective Secretarial Productivity. Asian Journal of Business Management 5(2): 193-196.
Osuala  E. C. (2014).” Principles and Methods of Business and Computer Education”. Enugu: Cheston Agency Ltd.
Silver G. Silver J. B. (2011). “Data Processing for Business”. New York. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.

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